Friday, December 18, 2015

ויגש - חופשת חורף

Dear Parents,
Good news!
My son in Israel had a baby girl (a new sister to Yair). I will be away for the week after winter break (Jan 3- Jan 10, 2014).
Morah Eva will teach first grade.
During my absence, there will be no Hebrew folder or books sent home.

Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook which teaches about the vowel with “Segol” and “Tseyrey”.

“Ariot 1 workbook”:
We finished “Ariot 1” workbook.
It was very easy because we had already learned so many of the vocabulary words and writing skills while doing our reading program. “ Ariot 1” was so fun when we challenged ourselves to figure out the words in the  “Hactava” (the spelling test at the end of each unit) and we were able to figure out the words without help. We can read all the Hebrew in it!  We were practicing Ariot I CD-ROM on the smart board in our classroom and in the computer lab  which includes the same stories and activities as in the workbook.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "    ( Home work for  this week and for the vacation).
6 short stories from the Ariot workbook:  “shalom  ani Ariot”- p.11,  “Shabbat shalom”- p.21,   “Aba babayit”-P. 37,   “Gimmel bagan?”- P.54-56    “Dag?”- P.72-74 and “Efo HavHav? “-P.87-89.
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the winter break. It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned in this unit.

Vacation reading:
In the folder you will find a list with the vowels we have learned.
The list is build up from Alef to Taf. It is very important to practice reading the words with the combination of that vowel, especially when it is in the same words.

This week Ariot is going with Morah Irit to Israel.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “ויגש – Vayigash. From our Parasha we have learned how important it is to be responsible for our siblings and for our family.
First Grade Album:
I still need two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
You can Email me the picture and I will print it.

I wish you all חופשה נעימה – Chofsha Ne’ima (Have a nice vacation) and Shabbat Shalom from Morah Irit

Friday, December 11, 2015

שבת חנוכה -מקץ

Dear Parents,
The first Grade Chanukah show was fabulous. I am very proud of them. Thank you for coming.
Hebrew Sentence of the week:
 כַּמָה נֵרוֹת אֲנַחְנוּ מַדְלִיקִים בַּלַיְלָה הַ...... 
(How many candles do we light on the _____ night).
We sang this song every day of Chanukah.
Hebrew workbook:
We are half way in our workbook with “Segol” and “Tseyrey”.
Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “מקץ” – Mikeitz . We learned how much Yosef was faithful in Hashem. When Paro asked him if he could interpret his dream, Yosef’s answer was that it’s not him, it is Hashem’s interpretation.
Hagim (Holidays)
This week we had an exciting time celebrating Chanukah! We lit the Chanukiah every day in our classroom. We said the B’racha and sang “Hanerot Halaloo” every day. 
We got to put jelly in our own “Sufganiya” and we had a lot of fun at the Hanukkah carnival.
We finished two workbooks.  I’m sending home our Tal-Am workbook for Chanukah for you to keep. We also learned new songs and read Hebrew stories for Chanukah. (The books are shown on the back of the festival workbook). We also finished a review workbook in English for Chanukah as well. Please go over the two workbooks and encourage your child to tell you what we have learned!
 “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s story is called: "בִּינָה וְהַסֻפְגָנִיָה"- Bina and the jelly donuts.
 Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend.
This weekend Ariot went to Ilana‘s home.
First Grade Album:
We are working on a special album that includes all the subjects we are learning in “Tal-Am”. Please send to school (sooner the better  - the latest time is after winter break).
two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
You can Email me the picture and I will print it.

 Shabbat Shalom and Happy Hanukkah from Morah Irit.

Friday, December 4, 2015

פרשת ויצא (לפני חנוכה)

Dear Parents,
This week we started to prepare for Chanukah along with our other learning.
Here are some things we learned this week:

Hagim (Holidays):
We started our new workbook for Chanukah! We learned the story of Chanukah and we learned the Hebrew words: “Yehudim” (Jews) and “Yevanim” (Greeks).
We are practicing the blessings for lighting the “Chanukiya” (Chanukah menorah). We have added the song “הַנֵרוֹת הַלָלוּ” (Hanerot Halalu) -the song that we sing after lighting the Chanukiya.
Hebrew workbook:
This week, during the Alef Bet unit, we finished  Part 4 of the workbook!!!
We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Tav. We also focused on: “Shin” and “Sin”. We practiced writing words and placing the dot on the right place. (Shin- on the right Sin-on the left). I am sending it home for you to keep and review.
We will start a new Choveret (workbook) with the vowel “Tsereh” (the short E sound). We will learn to spell words with both vowels we have learned (Ah and short E).
“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s book is called:"שַרונה אוֹהבת אדום" -“Sharona Ohevet Adom” (Sharona Likes Red).
We read this book as a continuation of our unit of “"מָה בַכִּיתָה? (What is in the classroom?). Each student got to color his or her own book. (If your child didn’t finish coloring the book, please let him/her finish it at home).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend. It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned in this unit.
This week Ariot went to Rena‘s home.
Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “ויצא” (Vayeitzei). We learned that the 3 prayer services we say every day were established by each of our forefathers. We also learned the stories of Yaakov’s dream, how Lavan tricked Yaakov into marrying Leah and Rachel, as well as the birth of the 12 sons of Yaakov.

Shabbat Shalom

Morah Irit.