Dear Parents,
We had a wonderful day at the zoo. We learned a lot!
I am sending home some of our work from this year. Please look for
more to come next week.
Shalom workbook:
This week we finished
our unit on “Shalom Ba’Bayit U Ba’chots” (Shalom in the house and outside).
“Shalom at Home” workbook focuses on the daily life of a Jewish child at home
from waking up in the morning until going to bed at night.
This week we focused on
the 4 different seasons. We learned about hot days and how important it is to
drink water. I am sending home the completed workbook. Please go over it with
your child and let him/her share with you all we have learned.
“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה
שֶלִי "
This week’s story is:""האותיות
בתורה שלנו- (the letters in our Torah)- a story special for Shavuot!
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the
weekend .It is a great way to practice their reading and all the vocabulary we
have learned.
Homework notebook - Vocabulary words:
There will be no more Hebrew vocabulary words for this year!
I am very proud of my first grade students’ achievements this
year. Thank you as well. All your child’s studying this year would not have
been so successful without your help and support. I will send the מחברת (notebook) home next week for you to
keep. Please use this notebook for review during the summer.
reading test:
coming week we are going to have a Hebrew reading test called “MADIK”
MADIK is a test that checks the student’s ability to read accurately and with
make sure your child is getting enough sleep this week.
Parashat Hashavua: Parashat: "בהר"
This Friday we learned about the Mitzvah of Shimitah. This Mitzvah
happens in Israel every 7 years. The farmers do not work their land,
plant on it or sell any foods that grow from it. After 7 Shimitot, we celebrate
the “Yovel” year. This occurs every 50 years. We also learned about the Mitzvah
of Tzedaka. We learned that the best way to give Tedaka is to give it secretly
so that no one knows that the poor person is
getting money.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit