Dear Parents,
First grade is doing very well. I am also sending this letter
by Email. Please let me know if you did not receive it or if you would prefer
me to send it to a different Email.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free contact me
at: iritkaravani@hotmail.com or ikaravani@torahacademy.org
Please look at the back of this page to see our class picture from
the first day of school.
Here are some of the things we accomplished:
We are davening all together, reviewing what we already know
by using the Artscroll Siddur during our daily Tefillah service. While
singing the Tefillot, the children follow the words in the siddurim with their
finger. This helps them become familiar and recognize the written word, which
strengthens Hebrew reading skills. This week we added a new prayer to our
service: “Ein ke’elokenu” We love singing it with the music! We also bentch
Birkat HaMazon every day using a bencher as well.
We will be adding and learning new prayer as the year goes on.
We are working in 3 groups. One groups work independently, one
group works with Morah Malka and one group works with me. We are using a
workbook called “Me Ot L’Ot”. We learn to read, write, decoding and sounding
out words.
This week we finished the letter Alef!
Parashat Hashavua
Every Friday you will find in the folder the summary of the
Parasha along with pictures. The first graders
learned about the main ideas in the Parasha.
Please encourage your child to explain to you what’s in the
Please pass through the 1st grade hallway, and see
our bulletin board, were the students wrote in Hebrew about themselves.
Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.