Friday, December 19, 2014

חנוכה 2014

חנוכה תשע"ה
Dear Parents,
First Grade Chanukah show was fabulous. I’m very proud of them. Thank you for coming.
Hebrew Sentence of the week:
כַּמָה נֵרוֹת אֲנַחְנוּ מַדְלִיקִים בַּלַיְלָה ה......ַ
(How many candles do we light on the _____ night).
We sang this song every day of Chanukah.
Hagim (Holidays)
This week we had an exciting time celebrating Chanukah! We lit the Chanukiah in our classroom. We said the B’racha and sang “Hanerot Halaloo” every day. 
I’m sending home our Tal-Am workbook for Chanukah for you to keep. We learned new songs and read Hebrew stories for Chanukah. (The books are shown on the back of the festival workbook). On each day of Hanukkah, please let your child draw the right amount of candles that we are lighting on that night. Please encourage him/her to tell you what we have learned in this workbook!
Hannukkah projects:
We got to color our own Chanukiya that I made out of plaster of paris.
We colored our own chart of the blessings for lighting the Chanukiyah. This chart is shaped like  a "סביבון" (dreidel)/ Please use it for Chanukah and put it on the fridge for a decoration. We made a sevivon box as well.
I already sent all the art work we did (a chanukiyah, a sevivon box and the sevivon blessing.) if you didn’t get it yet, please look in your child’s  backpack.

 “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s story is called: "בִּינָה וְהַסֻפְגָנִיָה"- Bina and the jelly donuts.
 Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the vacation.
This week Ariot is going to Israel with Morah Irit.
First Grade Album:
We are working on a special album that includes all the subjects we are learning in “Tal-Am”. Please send to school (soon is better  - the latest time is after winter break).
two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
You can Email me the picture and I will print it.

I wish you all חופשה נעימה – Chofsha Ne’ima (Have a nice vacation).

Friday, December 12, 2014

פרשת וישב 2014

Dear Parents,
This week we learned more about חנוכה “Chanukkah.”
Next week we will do some projects for Chanukkah. Please look for it on Tuesday (one of the things is very fragile).

First Grade Album:
We are working on a special album that includes all the subjects we are learning in “Tal-Am”. Please send to school (soon is better  - the latest time is after winter break).
Two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
You can Email me the picture and I will print it.    

Hagim (Holidays):
We learned that we celebrate Chanukkah to remember the great miracles that Hashem did for us during that time. We are saying thank you to Hashem! “תוֹדָה, תוֹדָה אֱלוֹקִים. תוֹדָה עַל הַנִיסִים” (Todah, Todah Elokim. Todah al hanisim,).
We also learned about the different of the Israeli’s dreidels and out of Israel dreidels. (please read the story “"אְרִיאוֹת וְהַסְבִיבוֹנִים (Ariot and the dreidels)

Hebrew Sentence of the week: תוֹדָה אֱלוֹקִים. תוֹדָה עַל הַנִיסִים
(Todah, Todah Elokim. Todah al hanisim,).- Thank you G-D for the miracles.

A Special story
In your child’s folder you will find a story called: “"אְרִיאוֹת וְהַסְבִיבוֹנִים (Ariot and the dreidels) This story served as a good exercise for your child’s Hebrew reading and for practicing their vocabulary as well. Please review this story with your child. 
This week Ariot went to Talya’s home.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “וישב” – Vayeshev . We learned that Yosef’s story happened because Hashem wanted him to end in Egypt and to get into the palace.

Shabbat Shalom from
 Morah Irit.

Friday, December 5, 2014

פרשת וישלח

בס"ד יום שישי י"ג כסלו תשע"ה
Dear Parents,
We started to prepare for Chanukah along with our other learning.
We learned the story of Chanukah and we learned the Hebrew words: “Yehudim” (Jews) and “Yevanim” (Greeks).

Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook about the vowel “Hirik” (the long E sound). We learned to spell words using both of the vowels we have learned (Ah and Ei). We also learned to follow Hebrew directions; identifying “ על יד “(“AL Yad”-next to) or “ מעל “ (“Me-Al” -above) and “Mi Tachat” (under) from pictures in our workbook. I’m very proud of everyone’s accomplishments! I am sending home the workbook for you to keep. Please encourage your child to go over the unit with you and read all the words.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
טוֹב בַּכִּיתָה- Tov Ba’kita (it is good in the classroom).

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
טוֹב בַּכִּיתָה- Tov Ba’kita (it is good in the classroom).

This week Ariot went to   Shifra Nechama ‘s home.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “
וישלח” – Vayishlach . We learned that Yaakov prepared to meet Esav in 3 ways: 1- Shalom (peace- he send a מתנה present). 2-Tefilah (prayers to Hashem) and 3- Milchamah (war). 
-Yaakov returned to the other side of the river to get the small 
כָּד –Kad (jar) that he had forgotten to take with him. Yaakov teaches us that we need to be responsible for our things even if it is something not so expensive.

Shabbat Shalom  from:
Morah Irit.

Friday, November 21, 2014


Dear Parents,
First graders are learning how to ask for things only in Hebrew. We can now ask for a pencil, an eraser or our work book! We can even ask to go to get a drink water or to go to the restroom. We always start asking politely by saying: “אֶפְשָׁר בְּבַקָּשָׁה....” (May I please.)  Please ask your child to ask you for things in Hebrew. I am sure you will be amazed at how much Hebrew your child can use!
 “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s book is called: “?מִי לֹא בַּכִּיתָה” (Who is not in the class?)
we learned the questions: “מִי בַּכִּיתָה?” and “?מִי לֹא בַּכִּיתָה” (Who is in the class? Who is not in the class?)  In this week story –
שַחַר לֹא בַּכִּיתָה, שַחַר בַּבַּיִת כִּי שַחַר חוֹלֶה"  Shachar Lo Bakita, Shachar Ba’Bayit Ki Shachar Hole’”   (Shachar is not in the class.  Shachar is at home because Shachar is sick!). We learned that you wish a  " רְפוּאָה שְלֵמָה " (speedy recovery) to someone who sick.  
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend.
Hebrew Sentence of the week:
אֶפְשָׁר בְּבַקָּשָׁה...” (May I please?) 
This week Ariot went to Eva’s home.
Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook: “Hebrew with Morah Irit” Part 4!  We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Tav. We also focused on: “Shin” and “sin”. We practiced writing words and placing the dot on the right place. (Shin- on the right Sin-on the left). I’m sending it home for you to keep and review.
We will start a new Hoveret (workbook) with the vowel “Hirik” which sounds like a long E. We will learn to spell words with both vowels we have learned (Ah and Ei).
Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “תולדות” (Toldot). We learned that Rivkah had twin boys: Esav and Yaakov. We learn about their differences. We learned the story of how Esav sold the birthright to Yaakov for a bowl of lentil soup.
Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.

Friday, November 14, 2014

חיי שרה 2014

Dear Parents,
Thank you for coming for the parent/teacher conferences. It was very nice to share with you my joy teaching your child!

Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook “Mai’ot leot” Part 3!  We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Pay. We focused on: the differences between “Pay”, “Fay” and  the final letters “Fay sofit”  .We practiced writing words and we learned when to use the final letters.
Next week B”H we will start a new Hoveret (workbook) with the last 5 letters.

This week Ariot went to  Akiva’s home.

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
אֲנִי בַּכִּיתָה- I’m in the class
This is an answer to the question from last week מי בכיתה?

“My library” -  “הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s book is called: “Sharona Bakita?” ((שרונה בכיתה?
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “חיי שרה” (Haye Sara). We learned that Sarah died when she was 127 years old and Avraham bought the Ma’arat HaMachpela to bury her. We learned that the word “Ma’ara” means “cave”. We also learned that there are four couples buried there: Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchok and Rivkah, Yaakov and Leah. We also learned that Avraham sent Eliezer to find a wife for his son Yitzchok. Eliezer took 10 “gimalim” (“Gamal” means “camel”) and went to Charan, Avraham’s birthplace, to find one. There he finds Rivkah at a well.

 Shabbat Shalom,
Morah irit Karavani

Friday, November 7, 2014

First grade 11.07.2014

Dear parents,
Last week we started a new program for the first grade called “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "  and it is a big “הצלחה” (success).

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי " - ”!
This week’s book is called: “Shachar Bakita?” (שחר בכיתה?).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend so they can receive a new one on Friday.
Don’t forget to remind your child that he\she will get a “Dag”  (our reward fish) when he\she is returns the book with a signature.

This week Ariot went to Elazar’s home.

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
מִי בַּכִּיתָה? – Who is in the classroom?

Hebrew workbook:
This week we have almost finished our workbook “עברית עם מורה אירית
 Part 3! We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Pay. We also focused on the Final letters: “Nun sofit”. We practice writing words and we learned when to use a final letter.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat:  “ וירא” (Va yerah). We learned about two important Mitzvot that our Parasha teaches us: Hachnasat Orchim and Bikur Cholim. We also learned about other stories from the beginning of the Parasha. Please encourage your child to tell you the stories he/she learned about this Parasha using the pictures on the sheets.

We are doing very well reading and singing following new prayers: “Baruch Shamar”, “Ashrey” and “Anim zemirot”

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.

Friday, October 31, 2014

פרשת לך לך 31.10.2014

Dear Parents,
I’m very proud to introduce Ariot. Ariot is the “Lion” from the Tal-Am program.
Every Friday one of the 1st grade students will get to have Ariot over for the weekend.
In the Ariot’s backpack you will find Ariot along with a binder.
Please take a picture of your child and Ariot together and help your child write about their experience spending time with Ariot during the weekend.
It can be in English, or English and Hebrew, or only Hebrew.
This week Ariot went to:Miles's home.

This week Ariot went to Jak’s home.

”Shalom kitah Alef”
We read the story:”Shalom kitah Alef”-
 in this story the kids were excited to discover the lion named Ariot!

“My library”-“ הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
”Shalom kitah Alef”-

Hebrew workbook:
This week we started our workbook “עברית עם מורה אירית Part 3!
We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Nun. We also focused on the Final letters: “Mem sofit” We practice writing words and we learned when to use a final letter.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find a picture page in your child’s folder with a summary of the story of Parashat  לך לך (Lech Lecha). We learned the story of the beginning of Avraham’s journeys. We learned the story of how Avraham discovered there was one G-d. Please encourage your child to tell you the stories he/she learned about this Parasha using the pictures on the sheets.
Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Irit

Thursday, October 23, 2014

ר"ח חשון

ר"ח חשון

Dear parents,
The first grade continues to learn a lot of Hebrew. I am so proud of them!
We learned a Hebrew song about the 4 seasons:
חוֹרֶף (Horef)- winter  אָבִיב  (Aviv) – Spring,  קַיִץ (Kayits)- Summer ,
 סְתָו   (Stav) -Fall.
 And we can answer the question: ""מָה הַעוֹנָה עַכְשָיו? What is the season now?

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
הַעוֹנָה עַכְשָיו: סְתָו   Ha’Ona Achshav: Stav. (The season now is fall.)

This week we finished our workbook “Hebrew with Morah Irit” Part 2! We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Lamed. We also focused on the Final letters: “Kaf sofit” . We practice writing words and we learned when to use a final letter.
I’m sending home the workbook to keep and review.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat:  נח. We learned that Noach was 10 generations after Adam and Havah.
Please look at the Hebrew words we learned in this Parasha as well. We know Ark= Tevah,  תֵבָה  flood=Mabool  מָבּוּל and rainbow is Keshet קֶשֶת.

We are reading and singing the beginning of “Anim zemirot” and the “Ashrey” prayer.

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Rosh Hashanna

Dear Parents,
I’m sending home our Rosh –Hashanah workbook project along with other projects we made during Judaic studies. Here are some of the things you will fined:

We practiced the song for the 12 Hebrew month, and we know that Rosh Hashanah starts on Alef & Bet of the first month of Tishri.

Rosh means "head" and Shanah means "year", together the two Hebrew words means: "head of the year". On Rosh Hashanah we go to "Bet-Keneset" (synagogue) and pray for a year of good health and peace. We need to think about the good things we did in the past year. We also promise to ourselves that in the year to come we will try to become better people by doing t'shuvah (repentance). We ask G-d to forgive us for any wrongs we have done.

- In "Bet-Kneset we pray from special prayer book call "Machzor".

-another name for Rosh Hashanah is Yom t'ruah, the day of blowing the shofar. The shofar is a ram's horn, and the sound reminds all Jews to return to Torah and to good deeds.

There are three types of shofar blasts blown on Rosh Hashanh, known as T'kee'ot:
T'kiah- a straight unbroken blast that ends sharply.
Shevarim- three broken sounds, like a shiver.
T'ruah- a group of nine short notes.

As you see we made a circle with the symbols and their meanings:
Round challah (challah agulah)- we pray that our coming year will be unending just like the round challah
Apple and Honey (tapuach be dvash)- we ask G-d to send us a year of sweetness.
Head of a fish (rosh shel dag) we ask G-d to be as the head and not as the tail.
Pomegranate (rimon)- we ask G-d that our merits increase like (the seed of) a pomegranate.

שָנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה "May you have a sweet and happy new year."

Shabbat Shalom,    Morah Irit.

Friday, September 12, 2014

פרשת כי תבוא 9.12.2014

Dear Parents,                                                            בס"ד     י"ז אלול תשע"ד                                                                 
First grade is doing very well. In this week we started to learn how to ask for things only in Hebrew.
  אֶפְשָר בְּבַקָשָה....- May I please……
Hebrew Sentence of the week:
" אֶפְשָר בְּבַקָשָה לִשְתּוֹת מַיִם-  May I please drink water

We started the “An’im Zemirot” prayer. Wow! It is very impressive!

Chagim (Holidays):
We were very busy learning about Rosh Hashanah.
Rosh means "head" and Shanah means "year", together the two Hebrew words means: "head of the year". On Rosh Hashanh we go to "Bet-Keneset" (synagogue) and pray for a year of good health and peace. We need to think about the good things we did in the past year. We also promise to ourselves that in the year to come we will try to become better people by doing t'shuvah (repentance). We ask G-d to forgive us for any wrongs we have done.
- In "Bet-Kneset we pray from special prayer book call "Machzor".
-another name for Rosh Hashanah is Yom t'ruah, the day of blowing the shofar. The shofar is a ram's horn, and the sound reminds all Jews to return to Torah and to good deeds.
There are three types of shofar blasts blown on Rosh Hashanh, known as T'kee'ot:
T'kiah- a straight unbroken blast that ends sharply.
Shevarim- three broken sounds, like a shiver.
T'ruah- a group of nine short notes.
Parashat Hashavua-Parashat Ki Tavo This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a Parasha sheet with pictures and a summary of what is in the Parasha.  Please look inside each picture for the words your child wrote in the box.  The first graders learned about the Mitzvah  of “Bikurim”. “בִּיכּוּרִים”. We fulfill this Mitzvah by bringing the first fruits that our crops produce to the Kohein in the Bait Hamikdash. There, we said  special verses from the Torah to praise Hashem for the all the bounty He has provided us . We also learned about the “curses “ and “blessings” that Hashem will give us. Wonderful blessings  will come when we observe the Torah but if we do not observe the Torah, the Jews will receive curses.

Shabbat Shalom from Morah Irit.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Second week in first grade

9.5.2014                                                                                                                                                בס"ד
Dear Parents,
We were very busy learning about Rosh Hashanah.
We learned a new song for the 12 Hebrew month, and we know that Rosh Hashnah starts on the first day of the first month of Tishri.
Hebrew Sentence of the week:
  אֲנִי יוֹדָעָת I know (F)   אֲנִי יוֹדֵע /  I know (M)
We learned the whole “Alenu  Leshabeach” at the end of the service. We are saying the entire “Birkat Hamazon”. Please encourage your child to follow with his/ her finger along the words while he/she is davening or benching.
Our small groups are running very well. We are using a workbook called: “Ivrit eem Morah Irit” (Hebrew with Morah Irit), where we learn to read, write, and sound out Hebrew words. This week we finished the first “חוברת"- work book- up to the letter “Hey”. We learned the meaning of some of the Hebrew words and learned how to spell them as well. We focused on “ ה” in the front of the Hebrew word which means “The”. We saw many examples of Hebrew sentences that start with “The”.
Ask your child to show you some of the sentences.
 I’m sending the workbook home to review and keep at home.
Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Ki Teitzei
This Friday you will find in the folder a Parasha sheet with pictures and a summary of what is in the Parasha. The first graders learned about the Mitzvah  of Hashavas Aveida. “השבת אבידה” which means we must return lost objects to their owner. A person cannot pretend that he does not see the object, and he must watch over the lost item until the owner returns for it. He/she also cannot use that object while it is in his/her possession. One must also ask the owner for signs in order to establish that the object is really his. We also learned about the Mitzvah of Tzitzit as well. We learned that there are 5 knots and 8 strings which add up to 13. We learned that there are 613 Mitzvot and looking at our Tzitzit reminds us to always be ready to follow the Mitzvot of Hashsem. Please encourage your child to explain to you what is in the other pictures as well.

When you come to visit the school, please feel free to come to the 1st grade hallway, and see our bulleting board!  The students have written about themselves.

Shabbat Shalom from Morah Irit.

Friday, August 29, 2014

first week 2014

Dear Parents,
Thank you for coming to the open house!. It was a pleasure to meet all of you.
Here are some of the things we accomplished:

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
שָלוֹם כִּיתָה א' - Shalom Kita Alef (Shalom first grade).

We have been using the Artscroll Siddur during our daily Tefillah service. While singing the Tefillot, the children follow the words in their siddurim. This helps them become familiar with the words of the prayers. This week we added one new prayer to our service: “Ein ke elokenu” We love singing it with the music! We also bentch Berkat Hamazon every day using the siddur as well.

We are working in 3 groups. Two groups work independently, and one group works with me. We are using a workbook called “Ivrit eem Morah Irit” (Hebrew with Morah Irit), where we learn to read, write, and sound out words.
This week we finished the letters up to Dalet!

Parashat Hashavua
Every Friday you will find in the folder the Parasha in pictures, along with a summary. The first graders learned about the main ideas in the Parasha.
Please encourage your child to explain to you what in the pictures.

Chagim (Holidays):
We started with the month of Elul. We got to know all about the Shofar, and Moreh Dror has even come every morning to blow the Shofar for us.
Next week we will start our unit on Rosh Hashanna.

Please Pass through the 1st grade hallway, and see our bulleting board, were the students wrote in Hebrew about themselves.
Shabbat Shalom

Morah Irit.

Friday, May 30, 2014

פרשת נשא 2014

Dear parents
Thank you for coming to the achievement fair and letting me share with you just a few things from all the activities and learning we had all year long.

Every day in our morning prayer we are counting the days that past Passover. Tuesday will be our last day of counting the days. Ask your child why we are going to stop count the days.  We also learned that Beney Yisrael got the Torah on Har (Mt.) Sinai on “Vav Sivan” (6th of the month of Sivan).We learned a new song about Har Sinai and another song about the 5 books of the Torah as well.
Ariot 4: This week we started the Ariot 4 workbook. We read a story about “Salat shel Pilim” (An elephant salad). We learned that salad is very healthy for you. The story taught us that if the “Pil Pilon” (the young elephant) wants to eat “pudding” he has to eat the salad first.
This week we added the beginning and the end parts of the “Amidah” to our regular tefila service every day. I’m very proud of all my first graders when they pray for their new Siddur in the morning!
“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s story is:""האותיות בתורה שלנו- (the letters in our Torah)- a story special for Shavuot!
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend .It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned.
This week Ariot is going to Rivka’s home.
Parashat Hashavua: Parashat :" נשא"
This Friday we learned about the 12 spies that Moshe sent  to look at the land of Canaan to see if it is good or bad. Please ask your child to tell you what’s happened at the end.
Vocabulary words:
There will be no more Hebrew vocabulary words for this year!  I’m very proud of my first grade students’ achievements this year. Thank you as well. All your child’s studying this year would not have been so successful without your help and support. I’ll send the מחברת (notebook) home for you to keep next week.

Shabbat Shalom,  Morah Irit.

Friday, May 16, 2014

פרשת בחוקותי 2014


Dear Parents,
Chag Hasiddur is almost here and we are very excited and looking forward to it.

Chag Hasiddur
We are continuing to practice our lines and our songs for our “Chag Hasiddur”.
I am sending home another copy of your child’s part to practice at home (in case you have lost it). Please make sure your child practices and learns his/her part by heart.

Chag Hasiddur dress code:
Please dress your child in a blue or black skirt or pants and a white shirt.  Please do not send your child in a suit or a dress. 

This week Ariot is going to Jacob’s home.

 “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s story is:"יש גשם בחוץ"  (Yesh Geshem Ba’chotz)- there is rain outside.
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend. It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned and will learn.

Parashat Hashavua: Parashat : בחוקותי
We learned that G-d told us that if we will keep the commandments, He would give us rain, plentiful crops and fruits, peace, etc.
and what will happen if we will not keep the commandments.

Vocabulary words:
This week we will not have Homework or test.

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

פרשת בהר 2014

Dear Parents,
On Tuesday we had a special program with activities for “Yom Ha atzmaut” (Israel Independence Day) It was a lot of fun.

Chag Hasiddur
We started to practice our lines and our songs for our “Chag Hasiddur”.
I am sending home a copy of your child’s part to practice at home. Please make sure you child practices and learns his/her part by heart.

Chag Hasiddur dress code:
Please dress your child in a blue or black skirt or pants and a white shirt.  Please do not send your child in a suit or a dress. 

Siddur dedication:
I still need a dedication for some of the students. If you didn’t email it to me yet, please email me a short message to your child as a dedication for his /her siddur.
I"ll print it and put it in your child's siddur. Please do it ASAP

Mother day:
Please look at the beautiful present and the note that your child made in Hebrew class, special for “Yom Ha’Em”.

 “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s story is:"אופס" (Oops!)
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend. It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned and will learn.

This week Ariot is going to Josh’s home.

Parashat Hashavua: Parashat: "בהר"
This Friday we learned about the Mitzvah of Shimitah. This Mitzvah happens in Israel every 7 years. The farmers do not work their land, plant on it or sell any foods that grow from it. After 7 Shimitot, we celebrate the “Yovel” year. This occurs every 50 years. We also learned about the Mitzvah of Tzedaka. We learned that the best way to give Tedaka is to give it secretly so that no one knows that the poor person ;;is getting money.

Vocabulary words:
Our Hebrew vocabulary words for this week come from our unit on different clothing in “Shalom 2” workbook:
Shirt חוּלְצָה-
Pants מִכְנָסַיִם-
Socks גַרְבַיִם-
Shoes נַעֲלַיִם-
Skirt חֲצָאִית-
Pajamas פִּיגָ'מָה
Dress שִׂמְלָה-

You can practice with flash card at:

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit

Friday, May 2, 2014

פרשת אמור 2014

Dear Parents,
This week we started the new month of “Iyar”. (Thank you to Moreh Dror for the cookies he gave us for Rosh Chodesh treat). We have so many things coming up! On Tuesday we will have a special program with activities for “Yom Ha atzmaut” (Israel Independence Day). We are also preparing for the achievement fair and of course we started to prepare for our “Chag Hasiddur” celebration.

Siddur dedication:
I still need a dedication for some of the students. If you didn’t email it to me yet, please email me a short message to your child as a dedication for his /her siddur.
I"ll print it and put it in your child's siddur. Please do it ASAP

Yom Ha’ atzmaut:
This week we started learning about “Yom Ha’ atzmaut” (Independent day).  Our new Tal-Am workbook “ My Israel” (Yisrael Sheli) focuses on: 
1. The tie between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel; 
2. The identification of the People of Israel with the State of Israel and Jerusalem. We learned that this identification is acquired and internalized through celebrating these special days as well as through displaying the Israeli flag, symbol and emblem, singing the national anthem, and saying the prayer for the welfare of the State.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s book is called:"אה, יום העצמאות?!" -“Ah, Yom  Ha’ atzmaut?!”
 (Ah, Independent day?! ).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend .It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned.

This week Ariot is going to Zach’s home.

Parashat Hashavua:  Parashat :אמור""-counting the Omer
We learned that from Passover until Shavout we count 49 days which is 7 weeks. Ask your child why we are counting the days.  We are counting the Omer every day as part of our “Tefilah” (Prayer).

Vocabulary words:
This is our next word list.
The test will be on Wednesday May 7th.
מילים למבחן

Milk חָלָב-
Juice מִיץ-
Bread לֶחֶם-
Cheese גְבִינָה-
Chocolate milk שוֹקוֹ-
Jelly רִיבָּה-
Egg בֵּיצָה-

You can practice with flash card at: