Thursday, April 19, 2018

תזריע מצורע

Dear parents,
 “Chag Hasiddur” is getting closer!
Please plan to join us for this exciting event on Thursday, May 10 at 9:30am.
Siddur dedication:
Please email me a short message for your child to be placed as a dedication in his /her siddur.

I’m sending a letter about “Chag Hasiddur”, if you did not return it yet, please fill in and return the letter ASAP.

ספירת העומר  -  counting the Omer
We learned that from Passover until Shavout we count 49 days which is 7 weeks. Ask your child why we are counting the days.  We will continue counting the Omer every day as part of our “Tefilah” (Prayer).

Yom Ha’ atzmaut:
This week we started learning about “Yom Ha’ atzmaut” (Independence Day).  We will focus on:
1. The connection between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel;
2. The identification of the People of Israel with the State of Israel and Jerusalem.

Yesterday we had a special program with activities for “Yom Ha atzmaut” (Israel Independence Day). It was fun!!!!

Ariot 4:
This week we started Ariot 4 workbook.
We read the first story about:
 "סלט של פילים"-“Salat shel Pilim”- (An elephant salad).
 We learned that salad is very healthy for us. The story teaches us that if the “Pil Pilon” (the young elephant) wants to eat “pudding” he has to eat the salad first.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s book is called:"?!אה, יום העצמאות " -“Ah, Yom  Ha’ atzmaut?!”
 (Ah, Independent Day?! ).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend .It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned.

This week Ariot is going to Leeora’s home.

Parashat Hashavua: Parashat :"תזריע מצורע"
This Friday we learned about – לשון הרע""- l"ashon hara” . We learned to speak only nice things about people.

Vocabulary words:
Our Hebrew vocabulary words for this week come from our unit on different clothing in “Shalom 2” workbook:
The quiz will be on Thursday  4/26/18.

Shirt חוּלְצָה-
Pants מִכְנָסַיִם-
Socks גַרְבַיִם-
Shoes נַעֲלַיִם-
Skirt חֲצָאִית-
Pajamas פִּיגָ'מָה
Dress שִׂמְלָה-

You can practice with flash cards at:

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit


Dear parents,
Passover is over and we are back to school routines.
“Chag HaSiddur”
“Chag Hasiddur” is getting closer!
Please plan to join us for this exciting event on Thursday, May 10 at 9:30am.
Siddur dedication:
Please email me a short message for your child to be placed as a dedication in his /her siddur. If you need ideas, here is an example:
Dear ________
We are very proud of you.  We hope you use this siddur to help you build a relationship with Hashem that will help you throughout your life. We love you.

I’m sending a letter about “Chag Hasiddur”, Please fill in and return the letter ASAP.
ספירת העומר  -  counting the Omer
We learned that from Passover until Shavout we count 49 days which is 7 weeks. Ask your child why we are counting the days.  We will continue counting the Omer every day as part of our “Tefilah” (Prayer).
Yom Ha’ atzmaut:
This coming week we will start learning about “Yom Ha’ atzmaut” (Independence day).  We will focus on:
1. The connection between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel;
2. The identification of the People of Israel with the State of Israel and Jerusalem.
Ariot 3:
This week we finished Ariot 3 workbook. We concluded with the story
"מה יש בעננים"    - what is in the cloud. The students used all of their imagination to see different shapes in the clouds.
“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s stories are the 7 stories from Ariot 3 workbook.
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend .It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned.
This week Ariot is going to Aron’s home.
Cursive Hebrew letters: 
We finished practicing writing all of the Hebrew letters in cursive using our workbook part 2.
I am sending the cursive workbook to keep and review at home.  
Please keep practicing at home and make sure your child is forming his/her letters correctly. 

Parashat Hashavua: Parashat :שמיני""
This Friday we learned about kosher and non-kosher animals, birds, and fish.

Vocabulary words:
Our Hebrew vocabulary words are about foods.
The test will be on Thursday  4/19/18.
מילים למבחן    
Milk חָלָב-
Juice מִיץ-
Bread לֶחֶם-
Cheese גְבִינָה-
Chocolate milk שוֹקוֹ-
Jelly רִיבָּה-
Egg בֵּיצָה-
You can practice with flash card at:

Shabbat Shalom from
Morah Irit