Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First grade 1.21.2011

Dear Parents,
Tu Bi’shvat is here!

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
אֲנִי אוהב/אוהבת עֵצִים כִּי לָעֵץ יֵשׁ..."
–Ani O’hev E’tsim ki  La’etz yesh (I like the trees because a tree has….) Ask your child to tell you all the reason we came with and we read about.

Seder Tu Bi’shvat:
Yesterday 1A and 1B celebrated together Tu Bi’shvat. We went outside around our tree in the back yard (the tree with the bird feeder) and sang to the tree “יום הולדת שמח"   Happy birthday. Then, we went back to the class and we had a “seder” over fruits from “שִׁבְעַת הַמִּינִים” – Shivat Haminim (the 7 species). We practiced the ברכות-Berachot (blessing) over the special fruits and learned which blessing we should say first.

Cursive Hebrew letters:
We are continuing to learn how to write cursive Hebrew letters. In this unit, we are focusing on forming the letters correctly and reading words written in cursive script. This week, we reviewed the letters: א=א, ב=ב, ג=ג, ד=ד , and we learned the letters ה=ה  and ו=ו
Some students are writing their homework words in cursive but it is extremely important not to let them write it yet! The students are allowed to use Hebrew cursive letters only for the letters we have learned in the class. The students may think they know how to form the letters, but if they are forming them incorrectly, it will be very hard to fix their mistakes later.

Enrichment program .
Last week we started working in a special enrichment workbook. This workbook gives the student an opportunity to learn and practice more Hebrew whenever he/she finishes their classroom assignment. This workbook can go home for the weekend if your child would like to get advance at home.
Please send me a note in the Hebrew folder to let me know if you are interested in having your child take this workbook home for the weekend. This is an optional assignment.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “יתרו (Yitro). We learned that the whole Parasha is named after Yitro because he was the father-in-law of Moshe and he accepted that Hashem was G-d after hearing about all the miracles that Hashem did in Egypt saving the Jewish People..  We also learned about how the Jewish People received the Torah at Har Sinai. We learned about the 10 commandments which include honoring our Parents. We learned using 2nd step how to properly interrupt our parents when they are doing something else.  This is an important way to show respect to our parents! I’m encourage you to bring you child to “בית כנסת” (synagogue) so they can hear all the 10 commandments in the Torah reading.

Tu B’Shvat:
This week we finished learning about the tree parts, and we started learning of “שבעת המינים” – Shivat Haminim (the 7 species). We learned that there are two main things that we do on “Tu Bi’shvat”: 1) we plant a tree, or give money for planting a tree in Israel. 2.we eat the special fruits of the land of Israel.

B”H the homework system is going well. Parents need to remember that the quiz on Thursday is only a vocabulary quiz. If there is a student that has a hard time writing the answer in Hebrew or in English, it’s O.K.  I’ll ask him\her for the answer and if he/she knows it they will get a check for their answer. The test is posting every week in your child homework notebook at the end of the unit. Please make sure your child is writing his/her homework in pencil only!  Please make sure the homework notebook in placed back into your child’s backpack. Please make sure your child is not writing the words in cursive.

Vocabulary words:
 This week’s words will be from the story in “Ariot 2” workbook
The test will be on Thursday, 1-27-11.
Goose אַוָז-
Move (M)זָז -
Move (F) זָזָה-
Mountain הָר -

You can practice with flash card at:
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit

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