Friday, October 4, 2013

פרשת נח 10.4.2003

ר"ח חשון

Dear parents,
The first grade continues to learn a lot of Hebrew. I am so proud of them!
We learned a Hebrew song about the 4 seasons:
חוֹרֶף (Horef)- winter  אָבִיב  (Aviv) – Spring,  קַיִץ (Kayits)- Summer ,
 סְתָו   (Stav) -Fall.
 And we can answer the question: ""מָה הַעוֹנָה עַכְשָיו? What is the season now?

Ariot on the Smart board:
Tthis week we played together using the “Ariot”  Hebrew program on our class Smart board.
The kids were so excited to use the Ariot Hebrew games and exercises on the Smart board!

This week we learned the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the “AH” sound up to the letter “Zayin” (ז).
We focused on “ה” in front of a word and “ה” at the end of the word and “ו” as the word “and”.
Please ask your child to explain it to you.
I’m sending home the complete first unit to keep at home.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat:  נח. We learned that Noach was 10 generations after Adam and Havah.
Please look at the Hebrew words we learned in this Parasha as well. We know Ark= Tevah,  תיבה  flood=Mabool  מבול and rainbow is Keshet קשת.

We started reading and singing the beginning of “Anim zemirot”. 

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.

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