Friday, January 6, 2017

פרשת ויגש 1.6.1

Dear First Grade Parents,

Ariot had great fun in Israel spending time with Morah Irit
and her grandchildren Yair and Ayelet.

This week Ariot is going to Sapir.
“Ariot 1 workbook”:
We finished “Ariot 1” workbook.
It was very easy for us because we had already learned so many of the vocabulary words and writing skills while doing our reading program.
“ Ariot 1” was fun! We challenged ourselves to figure out the words in the “Hactavah” (the spelling quiz at the end of each unit) and we were able to figure out the words without help. We can read all the Hebrew in it!  We were practicing Ariot I CD-ROM on the smart board in our classroom and in the computer lab which includes the same stories and activities as in the workbook.
“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי " (Homework for this week).
6 short stories from the Ariot workbook: “Shalom  Ani Ariot”- p.11,  “Shabbat Shalom”- p.21,   “Aba BaBayit”-P. 37,   “Gimmel Bagan?”- P.54-56    “Dag?”- P.72-74 and “Efo HavHav? “-P.87-89.
Please encourage your child to read the story aloud to you over this weekend. It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned in this unit.
Hebrew workbook:
This week we almost finished our workbook which teaches about the vowels “Segol” and “Tseyrey”.
First Grade Album:
I still need two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
Please send them in. You can Email me the picture and I will print it.
Coming soon:
-Next week (1.17.17) we will start having a weekly Hebrew homework and vocabulary test. (Please sign the letter).
-We will start a new unit about home & family (this is why the students need pictures of their home and family!)
-Next month we also will start to learn Hebrew script letters. Wow!!!
Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “ויגש – Vayigash. From our Parasha we have learned how important it is to be responsible for our siblings and for our family.

Shabbat Shalom from Morah Irit.

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