Friday, February 6, 2015

פרשת יתרו 2015

Dear Parents,
On Wednesday we celebrated Tu Bi’shvat. We had a “seder” over fruits from “שִׁבְעַת הַמִּינִים” – Shivat Haminim (the 7 species). We practiced the ברכות-Berachot (blessing) over the special fruits and learned which blessing we should say first.
Tu B’Shvat:
This week we finished learning about the tree parts, and we started learning of “שבעת המינים” – Shivat Haminim (the 7 species). We learned that there are two main things that we do on “Tu Bi’shvat”: 1) we plant a tree, or give money for planting a tree in Israel. 2.we eat the special fruits of the land of Israel.
I’m sending home the Tu Bi’shvat workbook for you to review and to keep at home.
The first week of Homework went very well.
Please make sure your child is writing his/her homework with pencil only! 
Please make sure the homework notebook in placed  back into your child’s  backpack.
It is extremely important to have it in class on time, otherwise I can’t post their homework.
Ariot: this week Ariot is going with Shulie.
 “Ariot 1”  workbook:
We finished “Ariot 1” workbook.
It was very easy because we had already learned so many of the vocabulary words and writing skills while doing our reading program. “ Ariot 1” was so fun when we challenged ourselves to figure out the words in the  “Hactava” (the spelling test at the end of each unit) and we were able to figure out the words without help. We can read all the Hebrew in it!  We were practicing Ariot I CD-ROM on the smart board in our classroom and in the computer lab  which includes the same stories and activities as in the workbook.
This coming week we will start learning about Purim and the Megillah story!
Please send to school an empty big size “Pringels” can. ( If you can send more then one that will be great!) to put the Megillah in it.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "    
6 short stories from Ariot 1 workbook:  “shalom  ani Ariot”- p.11,  “Shabbat shalom”- p.21,   “Aba babayit”-P. 37,   “Gimmel bagan?”- P.54-56    “Dag?”- P.72-74 and “Efo HavHav? “-P.87-89.
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned in this unit.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “יתרו” (Yitro). We learned that the whole Parasha is named after Yitro because he was the father-in-law of Moshe and he accepted that Hashem was G-d after hearing about all the miracles that Hashem did in Egypt saving the Jewish People..  We also learned about how the Jewish People received the Torah at Har Sinai. We learned about the 10 commandments which include honoring our Parents. I’m encourage you to bring you child to “בית כנסת” (synagogue) so they can hear all the 10 commandments in the Torah reading.

מילים למבחן
 This week’s words will be from the story” Adon Blon” from “Ariot 2” workbook 
The test will be on Thursday, 2-12-15.

                          Pink  וָרוֹד
Bear-   דֹב
Come-   בֹּא
  Roof -    גַג
Mr. -  אֲדוֹן

You can practice with flash card at:
בהצלחה ושבת שלום

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