Friday, January 13, 2012


Wow! We can write a lot of words using only cursive letters.
Cursive Hebrew letters:
First grade started to learn how to write cursive Hebrew letters. In this unit, we are focusing on forming the letters correctly and reading words written in cursive script. This week, we were practicing the letters:
 א=א, ב=ב, ג=ג, ד=ד, ה=ה, ו=ו, י=י, ן=ן, ס=ס
I know the students are very excited about writing their words in cursive,  but it is extremely important not to let them write it yet! The students are allowed to use Hebrew cursive letters only for the letters we have learned in the class. The students may think they know how to form the letters,  but if they are forming it incorrectly,  it will be very hard to fix their mistakes later.

Sentence of the week:
כתב יד”- cursive hand writing
We are so busy to write:”בכתב יד יפה” (to write with nice cursive hand writing)

We started “Ariot 2 workbook” and “Ariot 2 CD”:
We started “Ariot 2” workbook, and Ariot 2 program on the computers.
Even though “Ariot 2” is more challenging,  it is even more fun to figure out the words in the  “Hachtava” (the spelling test at the end of each unit) and we are still able to figure out the words without help.

My family” and “My house” unit:
We are supposed to start learning about our family and about our house in Hebrew. I asked a few weeks ago that you should send two pictures about your family.
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
     2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
Unfortunately, I’ve received pictures only from a few of the class and therefore I will have to push off teaching this unit for another two weeks. If you haven’t sent your pictures yet or you have sent only one of the pictures, please send your pictures this week!
At the end of this unit, the pictures will be posted in your child’s album. For your convenience you can send to school the SD card with your child (I promise to send it back the same day) or Email me the pictures and I will print it for you! (My Email is:

Parashat Hashavua-Parashat Shmot
The 1st grade began learning Sefer Shemot by studying the story of how the Jews became slaves in Egypt. They also learned about how Moshe was saved by the daughter of Paro and was raised in the house of Paro himself!

First grade students are doing very well. We are ready to move to a higher level. We will have a small quiz every Thursday on the 5 words we have studied. Please look for our first list of words in the “Friday Hebrew Folder”. Please keep the words in an available place, sign the folder, and send the folder back.

To help your child study the words, each student will have a special notebook that he/she will take home on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with their homework assignment.
Every Monday, each student must write the words in Aleph-Bet order. Every Tuesday, they must write the words 3 times. And every Wednesday, they will have a word search puzzle with our week’s words.
This week because of the long weekend we will have our Homework on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The test will be on this Friday instead of Thursday.

For your convenience, I made flashcards to be practiced on line.
Please make sure your child is studying and doing his/her homework.

Please make sure your child is writing his/her homework with pencil only!
Please make sure the homework notebook is placed  back into your child’s  backpack.
Please make sure your child is using the cursive letter but make sure it is only cursive letter that we learned.

This is our first word list.
The test will be on Friday 1/18/12.
                          Pink וָרוֹד- 1  
Bear- 2 דֹב
Come-   3 בּוֹא
  Roof 4 גַג-     
Mr. - 5 אֲדוֹן

You can practice with flash card at:
Shabbat Shalom from Morah Irit Karavani.