Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Dear Parents,
This week we completed the unit of Sukkot.
Your child is bringing home a workbook with activities in it.
We learned about the Hebrew calendar and we’ve colored the days of the holidays.
We talked about a kosher sukkah and a non- kosher sukkah. What do we need in order to have a kosher one?  Ask your kids!
We got to know the 7 Ushpizin (guests) that coming to visit us in the sukkah on each night of sukkot.
We reviewed the names of the 4 species and we compared each one of them to our body parts:
Lulav= spine
Etrog= heart
Hadas= eye
Aravah= mouth
We also compared it to different kind of people by comparing the taste to people who learn Torah and smell to people who do Mitsvot (good deed)

I’m also sending home to keep our first Tal-Am workbook for the high holyday.
In this Festivals workbook we learned about “Rosh Hashana”, “Sukot” and “Simchat Torah”.
We learned new songs and read Hebrew stories for these festivals.
(The books are shown on the back of the festival workbook).

We are very exited to finish reading the entire torah on Simchat Torah and start reading it all over again. We are ready to dance and have a real Simcha (joy) with our “Degel” (flag) we made for that special event.
Please don’t forget to take it with you to Bet-Keneset (Synagogue).

חג שמח    !
Happy Holyday.

Morah Irit Karavani