Friday, December 19, 2014

חנוכה 2014

חנוכה תשע"ה
Dear Parents,
First Grade Chanukah show was fabulous. I’m very proud of them. Thank you for coming.
Hebrew Sentence of the week:
כַּמָה נֵרוֹת אֲנַחְנוּ מַדְלִיקִים בַּלַיְלָה ה......ַ
(How many candles do we light on the _____ night).
We sang this song every day of Chanukah.
Hagim (Holidays)
This week we had an exciting time celebrating Chanukah! We lit the Chanukiah in our classroom. We said the B’racha and sang “Hanerot Halaloo” every day. 
I’m sending home our Tal-Am workbook for Chanukah for you to keep. We learned new songs and read Hebrew stories for Chanukah. (The books are shown on the back of the festival workbook). On each day of Hanukkah, please let your child draw the right amount of candles that we are lighting on that night. Please encourage him/her to tell you what we have learned in this workbook!
Hannukkah projects:
We got to color our own Chanukiya that I made out of plaster of paris.
We colored our own chart of the blessings for lighting the Chanukiyah. This chart is shaped like  a "סביבון" (dreidel)/ Please use it for Chanukah and put it on the fridge for a decoration. We made a sevivon box as well.
I already sent all the art work we did (a chanukiyah, a sevivon box and the sevivon blessing.) if you didn’t get it yet, please look in your child’s  backpack.

 “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s story is called: "בִּינָה וְהַסֻפְגָנִיָה"- Bina and the jelly donuts.
 Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the vacation.
This week Ariot is going to Israel with Morah Irit.
First Grade Album:
We are working on a special album that includes all the subjects we are learning in “Tal-Am”. Please send to school (soon is better  - the latest time is after winter break).
two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
You can Email me the picture and I will print it.

I wish you all חופשה נעימה – Chofsha Ne’ima (Have a nice vacation).

Friday, December 12, 2014

פרשת וישב 2014

Dear Parents,
This week we learned more about חנוכה “Chanukkah.”
Next week we will do some projects for Chanukkah. Please look for it on Tuesday (one of the things is very fragile).

First Grade Album:
We are working on a special album that includes all the subjects we are learning in “Tal-Am”. Please send to school (soon is better  - the latest time is after winter break).
Two of the following pictures (4”x6”)
1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house.
2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members of the family as possible).
These pictures are very important for our learning in the class!
You can Email me the picture and I will print it.    

Hagim (Holidays):
We learned that we celebrate Chanukkah to remember the great miracles that Hashem did for us during that time. We are saying thank you to Hashem! “תוֹדָה, תוֹדָה אֱלוֹקִים. תוֹדָה עַל הַנִיסִים” (Todah, Todah Elokim. Todah al hanisim,).
We also learned about the different of the Israeli’s dreidels and out of Israel dreidels. (please read the story “"אְרִיאוֹת וְהַסְבִיבוֹנִים (Ariot and the dreidels)

Hebrew Sentence of the week: תוֹדָה אֱלוֹקִים. תוֹדָה עַל הַנִיסִים
(Todah, Todah Elokim. Todah al hanisim,).- Thank you G-D for the miracles.

A Special story
In your child’s folder you will find a story called: “"אְרִיאוֹת וְהַסְבִיבוֹנִים (Ariot and the dreidels) This story served as a good exercise for your child’s Hebrew reading and for practicing their vocabulary as well. Please review this story with your child. 
This week Ariot went to Talya’s home.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “וישב” – Vayeshev . We learned that Yosef’s story happened because Hashem wanted him to end in Egypt and to get into the palace.

Shabbat Shalom from
 Morah Irit.

Friday, December 5, 2014

פרשת וישלח

בס"ד יום שישי י"ג כסלו תשע"ה
Dear Parents,
We started to prepare for Chanukah along with our other learning.
We learned the story of Chanukah and we learned the Hebrew words: “Yehudim” (Jews) and “Yevanim” (Greeks).

Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook about the vowel “Hirik” (the long E sound). We learned to spell words using both of the vowels we have learned (Ah and Ei). We also learned to follow Hebrew directions; identifying “ על יד “(“AL Yad”-next to) or “ מעל “ (“Me-Al” -above) and “Mi Tachat” (under) from pictures in our workbook. I’m very proud of everyone’s accomplishments! I am sending home the workbook for you to keep. Please encourage your child to go over the unit with you and read all the words.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
טוֹב בַּכִּיתָה- Tov Ba’kita (it is good in the classroom).

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
טוֹב בַּכִּיתָה- Tov Ba’kita (it is good in the classroom).

This week Ariot went to   Shifra Nechama ‘s home.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “
וישלח” – Vayishlach . We learned that Yaakov prepared to meet Esav in 3 ways: 1- Shalom (peace- he send a מתנה present). 2-Tefilah (prayers to Hashem) and 3- Milchamah (war). 
-Yaakov returned to the other side of the river to get the small 
כָּד –Kad (jar) that he had forgotten to take with him. Yaakov teaches us that we need to be responsible for our things even if it is something not so expensive.

Shabbat Shalom  from:
Morah Irit.