Friday, August 29, 2014

first week 2014

Dear Parents,
Thank you for coming to the open house!. It was a pleasure to meet all of you.
Here are some of the things we accomplished:

Hebrew Sentence of the week:
שָלוֹם כִּיתָה א' - Shalom Kita Alef (Shalom first grade).

We have been using the Artscroll Siddur during our daily Tefillah service. While singing the Tefillot, the children follow the words in their siddurim. This helps them become familiar with the words of the prayers. This week we added one new prayer to our service: “Ein ke elokenu” We love singing it with the music! We also bentch Berkat Hamazon every day using the siddur as well.

We are working in 3 groups. Two groups work independently, and one group works with me. We are using a workbook called “Ivrit eem Morah Irit” (Hebrew with Morah Irit), where we learn to read, write, and sound out words.
This week we finished the letters up to Dalet!

Parashat Hashavua
Every Friday you will find in the folder the Parasha in pictures, along with a summary. The first graders learned about the main ideas in the Parasha.
Please encourage your child to explain to you what in the pictures.

Chagim (Holidays):
We started with the month of Elul. We got to know all about the Shofar, and Moreh Dror has even come every morning to blow the Shofar for us.
Next week we will start our unit on Rosh Hashanna.

Please Pass through the 1st grade hallway, and see our bulleting board, were the students wrote in Hebrew about themselves.
Shabbat Shalom

Morah Irit.