Thursday, October 24, 2013

first grade חיי שרה2013

Dear parents,
This week the second grade did a project about the creation and came to teach the first graders about it. It was FUN!

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי " - ”!
This week’s book is called: “Sharona Bakita?” (שרונה בכיתה?).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend so they can receive a new one on Friday.
Don’t forget to remind your child that he\she will get a “Dag”  (our reward fish) when he\she is returns the book with a signature.

This week Ariot went to Rebekkah’s home.

Hebrew workbook:
We finished our workbook “עברית עם מורה אירית
 Part 3! We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter “Pay”. We also focused on the Final letters: “Fay Sofit”. We practice writing words and we learned when to use a final letter.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “חיי שרה” (Haye Sara). We learned that Sarah died when she was 127 years old and Avraham bought the Ma’arat HaMachpela to bury her. We learned that the word “Ma’ara” means “cave”. We also learned that there are four couples buried there: Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchok and Rivkah, Yaakov and Leah. We also learned that Avraham sent Eliezer to find a wife for his son Yitzchok. Eliezer took 10 “gimalim” (“Gamal” means “camel”) and went to Charan, Avraham’s birthplace, to find one. There he finds Rivkah at a well.

This week we started learning “Baruch Shamar”and “Ashrei” prayer in our morning dovening.we are continuing to learn “Anim zemirot” (We got up to “ז”).

 Shabbat Shalom,

Morah irit Karavani

Friday, October 18, 2013

First grade 10.18.2013

Dear parents,
Last week we started a new program for the first grade called “My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "  and it is a big “הצלחה” (success).
If you want to read all about it, go to:

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי " - ”!
This week’s book is called: “Shachar Bakita?” (שחר בכיתה?).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend so they can receive a new one on Friday.
Don’t forget to remind your child that he\she will get a “Dag”  (our reward fish) when he\she is returns the book with a signature.

This week Ariot went to Maya’s home.

Hebrew workbook:
This week we have almost finished our workbook “עברית עם מורה אירית
 Part 3! We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Nun. We also focused on the Final letters: “Mem sofit” and “Nun sofit”. We practice writing words and we learned when to use a final letter.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat:  “ וירא” (Va yerah). We learned about two important Mitzvot that our Parasha teaches us: Hachnasat Orchim and Bikur Cholim. We also learned about other stories from the beginning of the Parasha. Please encourage your child to tell you the stories he/she learned about this Parasha using the pictures on the sheets.

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Firs Grade 10.11.2013


Dear Parents,
I’m very proud to introduce Ariot. Ariot is the “Lion” from the Tal-Am program.
Every Friday one of the 1st grade students will get to have Ariot over for the weekend.
In the Ariot’s backpack you will find Ariot along with a binder.
Please take a picture of your child and Ariot together and help your child write about their experience spending time with Ariot during the weekend.
It can be in English, or English and Hebrew, or only Hebrew.
This week Ariot went to:Miles's home.

”Shalom kitah Alef”
We read the story:”Shalom kitah Alef”- in this story the kids were excited to discover the lion named Ariot!

SHALOM BAKITA (Shalom in the Classroom):
This week we started the “Shalom 1- Shalom Bakita”.  workbook from Tal-Am program.
The workbook deals with everyday life in the classroom at the beginning of the school year, and focuses on familiarization with the characters of a "virtual" classroom, the articles and the learning habits in the classroom. 
Shalom Bakita is further organized into 3 subtopics: 
(a) Who is in the class? 
(b) What is in the class? 
(C) How to study. 
These topics will accompany the students throughout the year, since they deal with the everyday life of the students.

Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook “Hebrew with Morah Irit” Part 2! We reviewed the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the vowel sound “AH” up to the letter Lamed. We also focused on the Final letters: “Kaf sofit” . We practice writing words and we learned when to use a final letter.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find a picture page in your child’s folder with a summary of the story of Parashat  לך לך (Lech Lecha). We learned the story of the beginning of Avraham’s journeys. We learned the story of how Avraham discovered there was one G-d and what happened when he started to teach everyone about it. Please encourage your child to tell you the stories he/she learned about this Parasha using the pictures on the sheets.

Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit

My library " הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "

Dear Parents,

I am very excited to start a new program for with the first graders called
 My library  " הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This is an optional reading program
Each student will receive a Hebrew book for reading practice at home. The books are from the unit “Shalom Bakita” (A part of the 1st grade Tal Am curriculum) and provide good practice for the sight words we learned in class.
Once your child read the entire book to an adult, he/ she should bring the book back to school with a parent signature.
As a reward, your child will get a “Dag”(our reward ticket, shaped as a fish. )
 This optional reading program will help create excitement towards Hebrew reading and improve your child’s Hebrew reading skills. It will also create love and appreciation towards Hebrew reading, and give the students the opportunity to take pride in their Hebrew reading skills.

The first book that will be sent home with your child is: “Shalom Kitah Alef” (Shalom first grade).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend so he/she can receive a new book on Friday.

With your help and support we can make a real difference in your child’s Hebrew reading skills!

Shabbat Shalom

Morah Irit.

Friday, October 4, 2013

פרשת נח 10.4.2003

ר"ח חשון

Dear parents,
The first grade continues to learn a lot of Hebrew. I am so proud of them!
We learned a Hebrew song about the 4 seasons:
חוֹרֶף (Horef)- winter  אָבִיב  (Aviv) – Spring,  קַיִץ (Kayits)- Summer ,
 סְתָו   (Stav) -Fall.
 And we can answer the question: ""מָה הַעוֹנָה עַכְשָיו? What is the season now?

Ariot on the Smart board:
Tthis week we played together using the “Ariot”  Hebrew program on our class Smart board.
The kids were so excited to use the Ariot Hebrew games and exercises on the Smart board!

This week we learned the Aleph-Bet letter names with their sounds and the “AH” sound up to the letter “Zayin” (ז).
We focused on “ה” in front of a word and “ה” at the end of the word and “ו” as the word “and”.
Please ask your child to explain it to you.
I’m sending home the complete first unit to keep at home.

Parashat Hashavua
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat:  נח. We learned that Noach was 10 generations after Adam and Havah.
Please look at the Hebrew words we learned in this Parasha as well. We know Ark= Tevah,  תיבה  flood=Mabool  מבול and rainbow is Keshet קשת.

We started reading and singing the beginning of “Anim zemirot”. 

Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit.