Friday, February 26, 2016

כי תישא 2016

Dear Paents,
This week we started to learn how to write cursive Hebrew letters. The students focused on forming the letters correctly and reading words written in cursive script. This week, we reviewed the letters up to “ג”.

Some children are still having trouble getting their homework notebook back to school on time.
Please make sure your child is writing his/her homework with pencil only!
Please make sure the homework notebook is placed  back into your child’s  backpack.
It is extremely important to have it in class on time, otherwise I can’t post their homework.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat :כי תשא"” we learned about the Mitzvah of giving a “Machatzit Hashekel” (1/2 shekel coin) to the Bait HaMikdash so they can count how many people there are in Bnei Yisrael . Ask your child to tell you why ½ and not whole Shekel? We learned that the Kohanim used this money to buy animals for the daily Korban (sacrifice) that was brought every morning and afternoon. We also reviewed the story of the “Aigel Hazahav” or the sin of the golden calf. Have your child tell you the story!

Purim Project:
Please send to school an empty “Pringels” can. ( If you can send more then one that will be great!) It supposed to be easier then sending Pictures.

This week Ariot is going to Moish’s home.

“My library”
 הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s story is called: “לילה טוֹב בִּינָה וְדֹב” (Good night Bina and Dov).
This story is a great exercise for this week unit in “Shalom” workbook.
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend. It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned.

Vocabulary words:
The Test will be on Wednesday.

The Hebrew vocabulary words for this week come from our unit on body parts in “Shalom 2” workbook.
Eye עֵינַיִם -
Ears  אוֹזְנַיִם -
Hands יָדַיִם-
Legs רַגְלַיִם-
Belly בֶּטֶן-
Nose אַף-
Mouthפֶּה -

You can practice with flash card at:

Shabbat Shalom from

Morah Irit Karavani

Thursday, February 11, 2016

תרומה -ראש חודש אדר א

Dear Parents,
Rosh Hodesh Adar started with great “simcha” (happiness)! We danced and wore funny hats It was a lot of fun!
Moreh Dror gave us Hamantashen " אֹזֶן המן " to eat.   It was very Yummy!

 Hebrew workbook:
This week we finished our workbook which teaches about the vowel “Holam” (the “O” sound). We learned to spell words with all four of the vowels we have learned (“Ah”, “Ei” ,“O” and “Eh”).
We are now learning the last vowel: Shoorok & Koobots (oo sound).
This means that soon we will finish our reading program. Wow!  

Homework assignment:
Next week, since we do not have school on Monday for President’s Day, we will do our Monday homework on Tuesday during class time.

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s story is called: "? אֵיך לוֹמְדִים"- How do we learn?
We talked about different things that we do in the class in order to learn. For example:
Reading, writing, singing, and even coloring are some of the things that help us to study.
 Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend.

Purim Project:
Please send to school an empty big size “Pringels” can. ( If you can send more then one that will be great!) It supposed to be easier then sending Pictures.

Some children are still having trouble getting their homework notebook back to school on time.
Please make sure your child is writing his/her homework with pencil only!
Please make sure the homework notebook is placed  back into your child’s  backpack.
It is extremely important to have it in class is on time, otherwise I can not post their homework.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of Parashat: “תרומה” we learn that the Hebrew word "תרומה" -(Terumah) means to give a present (contribution). We went over all the different things that were in the Mishkan including: the Mizbayach, the kiyor, the menorah, the shulchan, the mizbayach haZahav.

This is our word list.
The test will be on Thursday  2/19/16.

מילים למבחן

יֶלֶד אוֹכֵל  - A boy eating
   יַלְדָה אוֹכֶלֶת-A girl eating
 יַלְדָה חוֹלָה-A sick girl
Have a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom
Morah Irit