Friday, November 9, 2018

תולדות 2018



Dear Parents,

I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday, Nov 12 for the Parent Teacher conferences.

Kabalat Shabbat:

Friday we started a special Kabalat Shabbat program in our class.

week we will have one boy for “Abba Shel Shabbt” and one girl for “Ima Shel
Shabbat from each class.

will make a Kiddush over grape juice and “Hamotzi” over the Challah.

week Kabalat Shabbat was sponsored by: Mrs. Salver.

you to the Salver Family.

will be sending out a google doc for any parents who would like to sponsor a
Kabalat Shabbat program during this year.

Grade Album:

We are working on a special album that includes all the subjects we are
learning in “Tal-Am”.

 If you have not yet sent in a
, please send ASAP to school.

two of the following pictures (4”x6”)

1. A picture of the outside of your child’s house. (It can be with your
child next to it or without him/her).

2. A picture of your child’s family (a group picture of as many members
of the family as possible).

These pictures are very important for our learning in class!

You can Email me the picture and I will print it.

library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי - "

 This week we learned the questions: “מי בכיתה?” and “?מי לא בכיתה
(Who is in the class? Who is not in the class?)  We also read the story
called “Shachar Ba’Kitah?” that told us that – שחר לא
בכיתה שחר בבית כי שחר חולה
“Shachar Lo Bakita Shachar Ba’Bayit Ki
Shacar Hole’”   (Shachar is not in the class.  Shachar is at home because Shachar is sick!).
We learned that you wish a " רפואה   שלמה"
(speedy recovery) to someone who sick. We made a “Refuah Shelemah” card for


This week is
Sabrina’s turn to take home Ariot.


This Friday
you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of
Parashat: “תולדות” (Toldot). We learned
that Rivkah had twin boys: Esav and Yaakov. We learn about their differences.
We learned the story of how Esav sold the birthright to Yaakov for a bowl of
lentil soup.

 Shabbat Shalom,

Morah irit
and Morah Noa