Friday, December 7, 2012

First grade 12.7.2012

Dear Parents,

Please don’t forget to come and see the 1st grade recite the ברכות (blessings) for lighting the Hanukiyah and perform a play about the Hanukkah story! Our Hanukah performance will be next Wednesday in the school shul.
Special gift from Israel:
We have a new student named Adira.
Adira  joined our class on Monday and she is already part of the class. Adira brought to the students an Israeli dreidel with the letter “ on it instead of the “ש “ that we have on the other dreidels. First graders just learned about the reason for that difference. Please ask your child to explain it to you.
Thank you Adira, it was right on time.
 Hagim (Holidays):
This week we learned more about חנוכה “Chanukkah.” We got to color our own Chanukiya that I made out of plaster of paris.
We colored our own chart of the blessings for lighting the Chanukiyah. This chart is shaped like  a"סביבון" (dreidel)/ Please use it for Chanukah and put it on the fridge for a decoration.
I’m sending home all the art work we did (a chanukiyah, a sevivon box and the sevivon blessing.)
Chanukkah workbook:
In addition to the Tal-Am work book for Chanukkah, we started a new workbook in English that teaches the students even more details about Chanukkah.
“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "
This week’s story is called: "אריאות והסביבונים"- Ariot and the dreidels
 Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend .
This week Ariot went to   Tzvi‘s home.
Hebrew workbook:
This week we continued our workbook which teaches about the vowel “Holam” (the long O sound). We learned to spell words with all three of the vowels we have learned (“Ah”, “Ei” and “O”).
Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “וישב” – Vayeshev . We began learning the story of Yosef and his brothers and how Yosef was sold down to Egypt. We learned that Yosef is called a “Tzadik” because he always trusted in Hashem. He was able to keep his emotions inside himself and trust that Hashem had a special plan for him.  We learned that all the fights between Yosef and his brothers happened because Hashem wanted him to go to Egypt in order to save everyone from the terrible famine that would come.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanukkah.          Morah Irit Karavani

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