Friday, February 8, 2013

פרשת משפטים

Dear Parents,
This week at recess time, the students got to build a nice איש שלג  –Snow man (Eish Sheleg) with a “Kippah”.

Rosh Hodesh Adar:
Rosh Hodesh Adar  is coming this Sunday and Monday! As part of our special Rosh Chodesh program, please send your child (on Monday) with a funny hat to wear (it can be a special hat, funny hat or regular hat). Each student will receive a Hamantashen " אוזן המן" and we will be dancing with students from other grades. Look for our special crown we will decorate on Monday. It is a present from our friendship school - ”Shilo” in “Kfar Sabba- Israel” wtitc will be our pen pal next year.

Brachot” - blessing on the computer
This week we learned a special unit about the Brachot. The students enjoyed exploring the different Brachots for different foods on the smart board. In addition to that, I created an online quiz about the various blessings for different foods so that the students can practice saying the correct blessing for these foods. Each student went online to use this program onour class computer and received a certificate with his\her grade on it. Your child can practice more by clicking on this link:

“My library” הַסִפְרִיָה שֶלִי "   
This week’s book is called:"זֶה שוּלְחָן שַבָּת?" -“Ze Sholchan Shabbat?” (is this a shabbat table).
We read this book as a review of our last unit of “"מה בילקוט ובכיתה ('what is in the classroom and the backpack).
Please encourage your child to read it aloud to you over the weekend .It is a great way to practice all the vocabulary we have learned.

This week Ariot is going to Tomer’s home.

Parashat Hashavua:
This Friday you will find in their folder a picture page with a summary of the story of Parashat: “משפטים” We learned that Moses gave many of G-d's laws to the B’nai Yisrael such as “be careful not to lie” as well as the laws of paying for any damages you do to another’s property. We learned about the four ways a person can damage another’s property and have to pay: If he/she damages, if their animal damages, if they spill or leave out something where you can trip, and if your fire damages.

Purim Project:
Please send to school an empty “Pringels” can. ( If you can send more then one that will be great!) It supposed to be easier then sending Pictures.

Vocabulary words:
This week’s words are taken from the story” Hagigah Ba’kitah” (a party in the classroom) from the “Ariot 2” workbook. We learned the word “Hagigah”(party) a few weeks ago. Please make sure your child knows the translation of this word.
The test will be on Thursday, 2-14-13.

You can practice with flash card at:

Sitting (M) יוֹשֵב
Sitting (F)יוֹשֶבֶת
Riddle.- חִידָה
Letters אוֹתִיוֹת
Saying (M) אוֹמֵר
Saying (F) אוֹמֶרֶת
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Irit

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