Friday, September 8, 2017

כי תבוא

בס"ד חודש אלול תשע"ז
Dear Parents,                                                                     
 We have been very busy learning about Tishrey month.
Chagim (Holidays):
We were very busy learning about Rosh Hashanah.
Here are some of the thing we learned:
Rosh means "head" and Shanah means "year", together the two Hebrew words means: "head of the year". On Rosh Hashanh we go to "Bet-Keneset" (synagogue) and pray for a year of good health and peace. We need to think about the good things we did in the past year. We also promise to ourselves that in the year to come we will try to become better people by doing t'shuvah (repentance).
We Pray all the 3 parts of “Shema Israel”  all the way to “Emet” with the torah reading tune. Wow! It is very impressive!
Our small groups are running very well. We are using a workbook called “Me Ot L’Ot”, where we learn to read, write, and sound out Hebrew words. This week, we finished the first “
חוברת"- work book- up to the letter “Hey”. We learned the meanings of some of the Hebrew words and learned how to spell them as well. We focused on the “ ה” at both the beginning and the end of a word.  We learned that most of the time a “ ה” at the front of the Hebrew word means “The”.  We saw many examples of Hebrew sentences that start with “The”.
This week we also learned about the letter "ו"
We learned that "וְ" (veh) = And.
We practiced saying different things using "וְ" like: "אִמָא וְאַבָּא"
Please ask your child to say a sentence using- "וְ"  “Veh” (and) together with “הַ” (the) and ( "בַּ" ) in.
For example: “The fish and the Jar in the classroom”.
Parashat Hashavua-Parashat Ki Tavo This Friday you will find in your child’s folder a Parasha sheet with pictures and a summary of what is in the Parasha.  Please look inside each picture for the words your child wrote in the box.  The first graders learned about the Mitzvah  of “Bikurim”. “בִּיכּוּרִים”. We fulfill this Mitzvah by bringing the first fruits that our crops produce to the Kohein in the Bait Hamikdash. There, we said  special verses from the Torah to praise Hashem for the all the bounty He has provided us . We also learned about the “curses “ and “blessings” that Hashem will give us. Wonderful blessings  will come when we observe the Torah but if we do not observe the Torah, the Jews will receive curses.

Shabbat Shalom from Morah Irit.

Reading assignment:
I am sending home (at the back of this page) a list of words that are a combination of words of the letters Alef up to Vav.
Please let your child read it until he/she reads it fluently.
With your help and support we can make a real difference in your child’s Hebrew reading skills!



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